The Kit
First of all, I have to mention how good the Hammerers/Longbeards kit was. The parts were well detailed and really looked the part for elite warriors, you can see the sprue up close in my un-boxing video. After removing the Hammerer parts from the sprue I was left over with a nice amount of spare parts, namely the longbeard command parts, weapons and heads. As I'm not a Dwarf player these leftovers will probably find there way on to eBay, which helps to reduce the cost of the kit in the first place.
Assembling the kit was pretty quick, mainly because I decided to paint the arms, heads and shoulder-pads
separately from the body. Overall there were no really fiddly sections and all of the parts fitted well together. I was quite impressed by how well the beards had been sculpted to ensure that they fit snug against the Dwarfs body.
I decided to a cheat a little when it came to priming the dwarfs. As I had not fully assembled the parts I was able to use the Army Painters silver spray primers to base coat the body, arms and shoulder pads as these parts were predominately metallic. The heads and the banner on the other hand were primed black as the beards and the banner fabric contributed to majority of these parts.
Now at the time of painting I didn't bother to take pictures as I worked (selfish I know) so this will be no detailed tutorial, just a quick review of what I did.
Beards - For the beards I followed the paint splatter article in White Dwarf Weekly Issue 1.
Fabric - The fabric handles and ropes were painted with screamer pink, washed with carroburg crimson and highlighted again with screamer pink.
Standard - The standard was deathworld forest, washed with athonian camoshade and highlight with deathworld forest and straken green. The free hand symbol was baneblade brown followed by a ushabti bone highlight.
Skin - The skin was based with bugmans glow, highlighted with cadian fleshtone, washed with reikland fleshshade and highlighted with kislev flesh.
Gems - The gems were based with caledor sky, washed with drakenhof nightshade, highlighted with hoeth blue before finally adding ceramite white dots.
time and painting them partly assembled ensured I was able to easily reach every detail. I also attempted to paint eyes for the first time in a long time. This attempt was much more successful however due to the use of the Army Painters super thin psycho brush.
I would most definitely recommend this kit to any Dwarf player or any hobbyist who is looking for something interesting to paint up.
If you are interested in purchasing the finished hammerers they are currently on eBay and can be found here
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