Painting Table Update: Stormclaw Commission - Warboss

Painting Table Update: Stormclaw Commission - Warboss

Painting Table Update: Stormclaw Commission - Warboss

It has been a while since my last update but since then I have started work on my most recent commission job. The commission is for a fully painting / assembled Stormclaw box set so I was more than happy to get to paint some Orks and Space Wolves. I decided to begin...

Painting Table Update: Ordo Machinum Inquisitor

Painting Table Update: Ordo Machinum Inquisitor

Painting Table Update: Ordo Machinum Inquisitor

After completing my recent commission work I thought that it was probably about time that I start working on my own stuff again. I had converted an Ordo Machinum inquisitor but hadn't got around to painting him yet. So after finding a bit of free time I sat down...

Painting Table Update: Chaos Gore Beast Chariot Commission Completed

Painting Table Update: Chaos Gore Beast Chariot Commission Completed

Painting Table Update: Chaos Gore Beast Chariot Commission Completed

Over the weekend I made the finishing touches to a Chaos Chariot that I am painting as part of a commission. Now that the chariot is completed I can quite honestly say that I did enjoy painting this. A lot of long hours (as opposed to the normal length hours) went...

Painting Table Update: Chariots of Steel

Painting Table Update: Chariots of Steel

Painting Table Update: Chariots of Steel

It seems that most of my hobby time has been devoted to commission work recently, which is rather frustrating seeing as how I have quite a few Scions waiting to be assembled and painted. Saying that I am rather enjoying painting Eldar and Warriors of Chaos, having...